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I got an email from GW about a month ago.  This is all it said:

Pretty cool, right?

So clearly I expected to receive a bit more details about the event as it got closer.  I talked to some classmates about it and everyone seemed similarly clueless about what this event would entail.

Never ones to pass up a good event, regardless of outcome, Dave and I rushed home after work on Wednesday to quickly change and hop a cab to the Library of Congress.  He owns a tux and likes to wear it when he can, so put that on.  I put on a  black satin bridesmaid dress that I’m wearing in a wedding in 2 weeks (shhh!!!!).   We looked fairly fancy, and I remember telling him “GUARANTEED we will be the best dressed people there.  Everyone else is going to show up in jeans.”

Dave was gimpy due to an injury sustained during the NY trail race, so he was a bit slow-moving which did not help with my anxiety levels which seem to be at an all-time high lately.  Anyway we managed to arrive just after 7pm.

Not only was everyone else dressed up, it was like PROM!!!  They were decked out – to the point where I didn’t even recognize my classmates.  Many of the girls got their hair done and were wearing ballgowns.  It was nuts!

The food and drinks was free-flowing all night.  They even had a “signature drink” – some champagne concoction rimmed with pink sugar.  MISTAKE.

There was a band too, but we were too caught up in socializing to dance much.  Plus Dave was gimpy.

Of course the London crew from last summer was there, out in full force.  I blame them all for my next-day struggles.

Well at least now I know where some of those thousands I paid to GW went to!  YEAH grad school!!!!

The building is beyond incredible!

We saw the Reading Room too, which is one of the most incredible places I’ve ever been in DC.  Unfortunately no photos are allowed in there.

Lookin hot!

The next day was pretty rough at work until I made a run to Wendy’s.  Wendy’s really does cure all.

Here we are outside following the event.  Of course we stayed the whole time and then ran around outside for awhile like the small children we are.  They gave
us luggage tags as gifts which Dave is proudly displaying (“LUGGAGE TAGS??  Really??? Why didn’t we get nice pens?”):

I opened my grad gift from him once we got home.  I got a backpack!!  Of course I had to try it on immediately.  My poor, poor roommate.  The pic is out of focus just like my vision at the time.